Tuesday 5 March 2013

Day 19: Power Smoothie {guest post}

Today I am super excited to have Fiona Hogan guest posting for me today.

Fiona is a Naturopath and you can find her blogging here or on facebook here. Please pop over and say hi!

This smoothie is full of antioxidants and great for energy. The Protein keeps me full, its important for muscle maintenance, immune system and loads more! The coconut oil is great for my metabolism, my skin and my gut – it is anti-microbial for the gut. Maca powder gives more energy and regulates hormones. The cacao is superb for energy, metabolism, and anti-oxidants. The LSA (Linseed, Sunflower seeds, Almonds) is full of fibre, good fats and will feed the good bugs in my gut.



1 banana
1/4 cup frozen raspberries
1 scoop organic rice protein
1 tsp coconut oil
1 heaped tsp maca powder
1 tbs ground cacao nibs (or 1/2 tbs raw cacao powder)
1 tablespoon ground linseeds or LSA
1 bottle (280ml) of Real Coconut Water or plain water


Pop all ingredients into your blender or use a stick blender, until smooth and pour into a long glass. It’s a perfect breakfast smoothie that will keep your energy up, maintain your day and improve your health. The key is to have everything ready to go. Once you have made it a few times it will be lightening fast to make. Trust me. It‘s also worth the little extra effort (yes it does require more effort than pouring sugary processed cereal in to a bowl with un-natural milk to accompany it does or chucking two white piece of bread in the toaster) but well worth it. Enjoy!

Don't forget to visit Fiona over on her blog and say hi! 

This post is a part of my 31 Days of Smoothies Series. 

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