Tuesday 16 October 2012

Cinderella and Geek Charming {a giveaway}

I have been packing a lot of boxes and cleaning a lot of walls in preparation for painting lately. So that means that the kids have been watching a lot of DVD's. Well not a lot, but more than normal. I usually throw them out to the backyard, but Ethan has been getting up to a lot of mischief (like letting the dogs out so they can go for a walk or painting things he shouldn't be!) when I leave him unsupervised for more than 2 seconds. So DVD's it is.

Two of the DVD's they have been watching are Disney's Cinderella and Geek Charming.
They have both been a hit with Mahli and Ethan, Caden doesn't seem too fazed by them, but will watch them is he has too.
I am a Cinderella fan too, I haven't had a chance to watch all of Geek Charming yet, but I am hoping to watch it all soon. I mean it has Sarah Hyland from Modern Family and I love that show, so it can't be too bad, right?!

Oh and there are some great features on the Cinderella disc including the Disney short film, Tangled Ever After.

If you have no idea what Geek Charming is here a quick preview:

It is pretty much what you expect from a Disney Channel movie, and I don't mean that as a bad thing. Embarrassingly, I do enjoy most Disney Channel movies!

And guess what? I have two copies of each DVD to giveaway. 

To enter please comment and tell me how you keep your kids entertained and out of mischief whilst you are busy with other tasks.  

The giveaway will close at Midnight on Friday the 26th of October 2012 and the two winners notified via a blog post here on MahliMoo, Me and Three and contacted by email. 

And not to worry if you don't win, both Geek Charming and Cinderella: The Diamond Edition are available in stores now.

Disclaimer: I received review copies of both movies for the purpose of review. No monetary compensation was offered nor received. All opinions are my own, unless of course they are my children's...


  1. I cheat. *sigh*
    Nintendo DS' fit into my bag... and can be brought out in a moments notice. Plugged in but only for extreme moments!
    Otherwise, it's outside to the Springfree trampoline (the gates are locked so they can't let our little foxie out!) :)

  2. I take my phone and the kids shared old ipod as well as a pen and paper, usually keeps them entertained and if shopping i write them lists of their own to shop for,

  3. They play with their lego (it keeps them entertained for hours)
    I also put DVDs on for them to watch, while they play

  4. I have an old wallet filled with business cards and the odd photo - it's perfect for buying time when waiting in a line or in an appointment. Miss 1 thinks its awesome to demolish mummy's purse and doesn't specially notice it's not the real thing!

  5. LEGO, drawing, play doh or scooters, on the rainy days when they can't go outside they often watch a DVD together.

  6. Painting, drawing, colouring in

  7. Naps and snacks: I wish I could do this while everyone else got on with the chores.


  8. Snacks, Snack and lots of emergency back up snack while out and about.
    When at home a little pre-recorded (thanks IQ) fav TV show is always a winner, for 20 mins of quiet. Other wise if I have gardening to do, I give the littlest mini a plastic cup with a little water and a paint brush for him to do Water Painting. No Mess, He loves it.

    1. Oh Oh, Email...
      karl dot roach @ bigpond dot com

  9. I keep them out of mischief by teaching them respect for others and situations at a very early age.

  10. I, also, bring the NintendoDS to Doctors visits and grocery shopping. It works a treat if my son starts getting fidgety. He loves Mario Kart! djchilds@hotmail.com

  11. I have them draw or watch movies.

  12. Food! And a little magnetic fishing game i keep on hand

  13. I send them outside if I need some peace and quiet to play on the swing set (the original play set), with a box of chalk to draw on the pavement, or with a spray bottle of water to water the flowers or clean the fence (it keeps them busy for ages!).vkmason@hotmail.com

  14. No kids of my own! I have a niece though and she's hard to keep still, but making sure she has something to play with or focus on is always good.

    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  15. All you need is a soccer ball and a really big yard! They'll be entertained for hours!

  16. Indoor weather- it's the wii, iPad or iPhone. Or the littlest daughter entertains the bigger kids.
    Outdoor weather-it's the swing set, trampoline or bikes/scooters. They generally like to pretend they are circus performers!
