Saturday 9 June 2012

The Best Ever Birthday+ giveaway

Product Talk by Nuffnang

We were recently sent a copy of the brand new book The Best Ever Birthday by Louise Fulton Keats (yes, she is the granddaughter of the amazing Margaret Fulton) and the kids have just loved it.

The book follows Lulu and Harry as they prepare for Lulu's birthday party. Will they get everything done in time? Will it be a success?

This gorgeous story is filled with wonderful illustrations through out 

And then it includes some wonderful recipes from the story too.

We tried our hand on making some of the chocolate meteoroids from the book, but B and the kids ate them before I could get a photo...

 AND it also has this wonderful conversion table which I think all cookbooks should include!

I am giving away one copy of The Best Ever Birthday to one MahliMoo, Me and Three reader. To enter simply leave a comment. Maybe you could tell me about your best or worst birthday ever?

You must be a MahliMoo, Me and Three follower to enter. The winner will be drawn on 25th of June and will be notified via email so please make sure I can contact you. 


  1. Oh, I think Thomas and Aleesha would love this! Worst birthday ever- Benjamin's 1st birthday this year- he didnt really get one :(

  2. Personally, my worst birthday ever was when I finished school & moved out of home. No-one to wish me Happy Birthday, bake me a cake or make a fuss. A phone call is not the same thing. I cried my heart out that day. I was feeling very sorry for myself.


  3. Kim galwayst@hotmail.com10 June 2012 at 02:46

    The worst birthday was when my parents were busy and forgot to buy my present till the night before, from Woolworths because it was the only shop open, I got a fan and a very old movie on video, and to make it worse it was my 18th!

  4. I think the best birthday ever would have been my 23rd, it was when i decided to go without the must have list of potential suitors and went with my gut instinct. I'm proud to say i married that man and we have been together for almost 10 years now with four wonderful children who would all benefit from this book

  5. My best Birthday ever would have to be my first birthday as a mother, I love birthdays and to share it my very own little family was a dream come true :-)

  6. My best ever Birthday was when hubby surprised me with a trip to Sydney and a meet and greet with crooner Chris Isaak and front row tickets to his show! Best hubby ever!!!

  7. I think my best birthday ever will be this year when I get to spend it with my family on holiday in L.A!

  8. This is my hubby's worst birthday story...

    he had a lovely pet rabbit that he played with and fed everyday, until his 10th birthday. He came home from school on his birthday to find his pet rabbit in a pot on the stove. His birthday dinner was his pet rabbit. The worst birthday ever he said!!!

    1. @Melinda: That sounds so sad and cruel!! Why would they cook a pet rabbit....:-(

      My son was so sad when we let go of a wild baby bunny that my dog had 'rescued' - meaning he just picked it up in his BIG mouth thinking it needed help. Next day we released it back into the woods, and my son was so morose. I can't imagine what cooking it would do.

  9. My kids would love the book too! It looks super interesting and different.

    My best birthday was a day after I got married. My entire in law family had arranged for a cake first thing in the morning, and even had a surprise present for me. My hubby gave me this beautiful gold wrist watch that I still treasure.It was beautiful.

  10. I don't really remember any specific birthdays growing up, I know I had parties and friends over and good presents.. but the one thing that stands out in my mind, was my dad always seemed to be away for my birthday - high flying job sent him all over the world - and it was always something I was always disappointed over on my birthday. Apparently I was quite vocal over this because my Dad still mentions how I always complained he was away for my birthday. Something I am determined to make sure my husband is not away from our children's birthdays.

  11. My best and worst birthday was the early arrival of my son's birth a day before my birthday. He was rather an early suprise which meant I didn't get to celebrate my 30th birthday party with friends (and actually never ended up doing this at all). Spending my birthday in hospital wasn't much fun but the present of my son was priceless. ps this book looks fantastic my children love to cook!

  12. My best ever birthday would have to my husbands 21st. I know it's not mine but it also doubled as our wedding day!! What an awesome present he got - ME for the rest of his life! (insert evil laughs!)

  13. My worst birthday was when I was extremely grumpy and rude at my 7th birthday party. Believe me, this was completely out of character. The next day I woke up with a nasty case of the chicken pox! russellcathryn at

  14. The best birthday we have around here is VERY birthday. W always have heaps of fun, whether it's just the family or a party with friends. All we need is some great food, a couple thoughtful gifts, and each other!

  15. My worst birthday was just after my dad died, it was my 10th but I didn't feel like celebrating.
    As for my best, all my birthdays are pretty great these days as my hubby always puts in a huge effort to make sure I have the day off and am spoilt...and he cooks me whatever I want!
