Sunday 10 June 2012

A to-do list

Last week was pretty much a write off, spent at hospitals and in GP offices for B's nose, but now that it has been repaired things should be getting back to normal here, so I have to get the jobs I was supposed to do last week done and then work on this weeks list.

So my list looks like this:
  • Complete blog posts for others as promised
  • Mop and vacuum all floors
  • Clean windows- I don't know why I do this because they will be dirty again in 0.05 of a second, but they need done
  • Finish piecing my tweet tweet quilt top- I am about half way through
  • Finish piecing my Summer House quilt top- This one will take longer than the above
  • Complete meal plan for the month
  • Re-do budget due to B switching to monthly pays
  • Clean craft space- It is horrid at the moment
  • Finish Mahli's Kina cardigan
  • The never ending pile of washing!
  • Bake for school lunches
  • Plan Ethans birthday party
What does yours look like?

{image credit}


  1. I'm planning to try making Whoopie pies this week. I want to make them with one of my classes and need to practice first. Somehow, my family is quite happy with this idea!

  2. What is on your list for baking for school lunches?
    I have nothing special to do this week - besides work.

    1. I have been baking banana bread and muffins as well as cheese and vegemite scrolls. And I have also made a few batches of homemade granola.

  3. I ignore mine. It hates me, I can live with that.
