Saturday 9 June 2012

Totally Pinworthy Linky Party

I can't believe it is Sunday again! Sorry I missed last weeks Totally Pinworthy, but with B breaking his nose in two places I was a little flustered.

Not to worry, all things are back to normal here now. He had surgery on Thursday and it went well. He is sporting a rather attractive nose splint at the moment and has to wear it for another 4-5 days.

Anyhow, this week I have been pinning some gorgeous outside spaces to my One Day pinboard and thought I would share them with you.

Source: via Amy- on Pinterest

Now down to business, so have you:

  • posted about your favourite pins from Pinterest for the week, then link it up!
  • posted a Totally Pinworthy post during the past week, then link it up!
  • If you have done both, well link them both up!
The only thing I would suggest is that if you are linking up a post with your favourite pins can you make sure that the corrent credits are given for the images. 

Let's get into it!

The rules or guidelines as such are all the same as what they were over at Tina's and if you aren't familiar with them they are:

  • Grab the button (from above) and add it to your post and/or your sidebar. Because it’s good karma. A little link love didn’t hurt anyone. And the more people who see the button, the more that might join in and the more traffic we will get – hopefully.
  • Add your blog link to the linky below – so other Pinners can come visit you and “pin it” to their Pinterest boards.
  • Visit some of the other links, give some comment love and pin as many of the posts as you have time to do.
I will endeavour to visit each and everyone one of you that link up, it may take me a little while as I work some Sundays, but I will stop by within 24 hours of you linking up. 
Happy Pinning!

1 comment:

  1. TY for hosting this lovely linky & for swinging by my blog :D It may be a 'dream big" kinda thing but I'd love that outdoor tub/shower... Who knows though- maybe I'll find a place in my yard for it one day. TY again!

    Sugar in My Grits
