Monday 1 August 2011


Last night Caden told me we should try something new in the house, intrigued as to what he meant I asked him what he would like to try.

He said he wanted to make a new rule. Instead of getting ice-cream (one scoop in a small cone) for eating ALL of his dinner he wanted to get ice-cream for having a bath... I told him that I make the rules in this house and that it wouldn't be changing any time soon. Unfazed he told me that it wasn't fair and that I should share in making the rules to make things more fun... This made me laugh a little. But no rule changes were implemented.

You might not agree with our ice-cream if you eat all your dinner rule, but since implemented we have had some pretty pleasant dinner experiences. There has been hardly any "I don't like it", or "I'm not hungry" and dinner has been getting eating 6 out 7 nights a week. So for now the bribery will stay in place...

What changes have your kids tried to implement? Where they a cheeky requested like my 4 year olds?

Better get organised for the kindy run! Have a great daya all!

{image credit}


  1. We have that exact same dinner rule! I agree - it does make things much more pleasant at dinner time when faced with fussy eaters! And (IMHO) there are worse things in life than a little bit of ice cream :)

  2. I get lots of if i have one more bite can i still have dessert? Despite it being their favourite meal. We do eat all your dinner or there is no dessert here too and i make sure to give them smaller portions so they aren't over filling themselves just to get icecream, which was happening for a little while.
    I also give them new things, or things i no they don't like to eat (to retry) and if they try it or eat it they are rewarded with either ice cream or a topping on their icecream (depending on what it is i've given them)
