Tuesday 2 August 2011

Mrs Readalots Book Club: Water For Elephants

I am linking up with Leonie of Kiwi at Heart today as apart of Mrs Readalots Book Club. Unfortunately I haven't been able to read either of the two books that Leonie had picked out for us to read as they were both unavailable at my library.  So instead I have ordered them from The Book Depository (I love that place!) and they should be here any day now.

So instead I though I would review one of the books I read last month, Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. To tell you the truth I hadn't heard of this book until after the movie came out and I haven't seen the movie yet and am not sure I will. I loved the book and really don't want to ruin if like most movies do.

If you aren't familiar with Water for Elephants, it is set in depression-era American and follows the life of Jacob Janowski who is college drop-out that joins the circus inadvertently and his life is changed forever. I'll warn you the story is sad as much as it is happy. I laughed and cried, so if you are a sook like me have some tissues handy.

Unlike most novels I read I wasn't left turning the last page to see if there was anymore. It is concluded brilliantly with almost all questions answered. This gets a huge thumbs up for me as I tend to get really involved in any books I read. So when they conclude well it means I am not spending the next few days AND nights thinking and worry about the ending and asking why about some many things.

I would defianlty reccomend this book to anyone who will listen to me!

Pop on over to Leonie's and check out everyone elses reviews. Leonie is reveiwing A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini.


  1. I agree, this is a wonderful book - one of my favourites from last year.

  2. As a non reader, i loved the movie, no idea what to expect & it was shot beautifully, beautiful stars & just amazing acting, love Posie

  3. Amy this is uncanny - did you know that Water for Elephants was actually our very first book club pick??
    So glad you liked it - its one of my favourites.
    And I think you will also enjoy both of leonie's picks for this month. Both are fantastic.
    Different from each other, different from Water for Elephants but both unforgettable in their own way. Tissues may also be required - especially if you are a sook! haha
    (PS if you get a chance to read either or both before the month ends, you can link up more than one review as well)

    From Simone aka Mrs Readalot.

  4. Okay I but late- I've been going through blog posts I'd saved to read later.
    I'm glad this was a good book. I've got it on my kindle ready to read.
