Tuesday 7 June 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Hoot the owl...

Miss Mahli aged 3 and her artwork. I had to photograph it from all sorts of angles to keep her happy.

I am playing along with My Little Drummer Boys and Faith, Hope and A Whole Lotta Love  today. Pop on over and take a peek.


  1. You have a bit of an artist there. We love Hoot in this house. Oh, and Jimmy Giggle!
    Usually I have to take photos of artwork from every angle too! hehe!! :)

  2. Love it, she is quite good.
    We love Jimmy & hOOt here too.
    happy WW

  3. Happy Wordless Wednesday-Jumped over from my little drummer boys.

    Great photos- she is quite the little artist!

  4. I think the first picture of little Hoot should be turned into a stitchery. How sweet is little Mahli's art work. She's such a gorgeous age.

  5. Love!

    Chalk drawing is so much fun :)

  6. I love childrens drawings. Especially when I can see their development.

  7. They are great Amy! I can tell that it was Hoot! She is a great little artist, just liked your FB page and subscribed by email now :)

  8. My little girl loves drawing with chalk too. I'm terrible with the chalkboard though, it makes me grit my teeth!

  9. Must confess I've never heard of Hoot. Looks strangely like my neighbour though..
    Great to see her so pleased with her handiwork :)

  10. chalk drawing is so much fun, especially when mummys house in rendered outside and in!

  11. How cool is chalk ??? I used to love it as a kid ! Your little girl is indeed a budding artist :)
    Happy WW !

  12. That gorgeous drawing is defintely worth a photo! Her skills are impressive! Such a cute owl.

  13. PS We were in central qld for a few years till Will was born. Dingo was our closest town :)

  14. @ Emma- He is a character on ABD kids- Jimmy Giggle and Hoot the Owl, lol.
    @Lil- WOW that is one huge blank canvas! My craft/sewing area is one half of my garage so when I am down there I move my car out so the kiddies can draw with chalk and not 'help' me
    @ Ash- We live on the coast abit south of Dingo. Near Gladstone ;-)

    Thanks for your comments guys. We agree is in a little artist in the making! But we are biased ;-P

  15. I have a 3-year-old and her drawings are not even close to that level. Great pictures.

  16. Ah I see the resemblance! Great drawings :)
