Tuesday 31 May 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Rock on Baby Ethan... Rock on
He is in love with that bottle of baby shampoo! He won't let you change his nappy or dress him unless he is holding it...

And so the other two don't feel left out...

I am playing along with My Little Drummer Boys and Fatih, Hope and A Whole Lotta Love  today. Pop on over and take a peek.


  1. Don't you love how they become attached to the strangest items, it brings a smile to my face knowing thinking about all the things they have got attached to, like when they want to play with the bag rather then the present inside.
    New follower :)

  2. Ohmigosh that is soooo cute! Love the bubba obsessions. Mind you my seven year old still won't go anywhere without a hanky... in his hand not his pocket.

    Beautiful kiddles <3

  3. Haha, I love their little obsessions. I wonder what it is about the bottle that makes him love it so much?

  4. sweet!! the little habits they have is the cutest! Thanks for playing along today XO

  5. Oh well, at least it makes nappy changes easier! I might have to invest in a good shampoo bottle for my bubba!! LOL! Just gorgeous! :)

  6. Great photos, and funny, especially your gorgeous baby. I might have to give baby shampoo a whirl - it looks like there's something special about it.

  7. It is funny how baby's have to hold stuff... love how the others get in on the act too, very cute.

  8. Ahhh the funny things they latch on to! Great fun :)

  9. They are pretty cute bottles though! I love how you can have all the toys in the world but they always choose things like this to become attached to - mine loves carrying the bath plug around!

  10. He looks very pleased with himself. Cute Pic. Happy WW.

  11. Wordless but wonderful. Your children are so cute and the photo of little Ethan is priceless.

  12. Very fun series - love kids hamming it up for photos. Baby E is adorable and yay for something that keeps a wiggling baby happy when it's nappy change time.

    Thanks for joining in WW (I am just catching up on WW because we had to travel to the farm & other mundane stuff)
