Monday 30 May 2011

Tuesday Treasures

My Great Aunt has just left to fly back home to Scotland. There were tears at the airport, lots of tears. It will probably be the last time she sees her brother in this life time. He is 73 this year, she is 67. I also just realised I don't have a photo of her handy. I kept forgetting to take my camera when we seen her. But she is emailing me some when she gets home.

How cool is she for a 67 year old. She emails regularly and has an iPhone! OMG. I am amazed by that because my mother has trouble texting people. And my Grandparents have no clue about computers.

So today I don't have a photo to share with you showing the thing I am treasuring. Because you can't photograph it. I am treasuring the fact that my Grandad got to spend time with his little sister who lives on the other side of the world. A place where my Grandfather might never get back to. His had a triple bypass and valve replacement at the start of the year and while recovery had a stroke. He seems to be on the mend now, but you just never know where life will take you and when it will all be over. I am just glad he had a chance to spend some time with her. And I know she is mightily grateful for the time she spent with him.

She has set me the task of getting my grandparents, my mother, aunt and my lot over to Scotland next year. I don't know if I will succeed. But I will try! I better start saving. Cause that is one expensive trip.

I am playing along with Melody at The House on the Side of the Hill today. Pop on over and say Hi.


  1. That is so wonderful that they got to spend some time together and have lots of beautiful memories for all of you. Good luck with your Scotland Venture.

  2. How fabulous that they could spend time together. Very special.

  3. How wonderful that your aunt made the trip.
    I hope you get to make that trip next year!

  4. How lovely, I hope she has a safe trip home x

  5. Very special they had that time together and I hope you are also successful in taking that trip next year.
