Tuesday 30 July 2013

Easy as ABC!

When Alyce announce her Easy As ABCs QAL I instantly knew I wanted to join in. I had some perfect fabric for a quilt for Ethan and Mahli and I would track down some 'big boy' fabric for Caden and each child could have matching quilts... and then well I put those fabrics aside and got on with other tasks.

That was until yesterday when my Granny asked if I wanted to do some sewing while she watched the kids! Did I ever?!

So here are the first 5 blocks of the Easy as ABC QAL from Blossom Heart Quilts:

It was an effort of speed sewing so this blocks all still need to be tided up but these Cat In The Hat blocks are for Ethan's quilt. I am looking forward to the next lot of patterns that are released tomorrow and will hopefully not take as long to put those together!

Are you joining in for the Easy as ABCs QAL?