Monday 15 July 2013

Dreaming is the new BLACK

Last week Deb from Home Life Simplified shared that she was contributing to a 30 Day 'course' called Mothering with HeART and I clicked over to the website to find out more. 

You see, I haven't been comfortable with my mothering for the last few months. I have felt run down and anxious most of the time and I was taking it out on the kids and myself. Their behaviour was suffering too. Looking at all of our behaviour I can now tell we were all screaming for help.

The kids needed me and I needed me. 

And the I thought the Mothering with HeART e-course would be exactly what I needed to get us all back on track.

What is Mothering with heART?
The intention for this e-course is to inspire all of you mothers, mothers-to-be, or even those of you who think you may want to become a mother someday. This course is about mindful mothering. It will invite you to connect more deeply to your intuition while nurturing your children and yourself. It’s about listening more intently to your heart and celebrating your journey through motherhood. It’s about building your inner strength so you can continue to mother from within – the place that is all-knowing and comes from love – while you release and let go of self-doubt and the need to seek external approval or validation. And you’ll do all of this while enriching your creativity and making art with your children.

And well I am glad I found it. The daily emails have put my parenting on the forefront of my mind and we are all benefiting from it. We are all calmer and enjoying each other more. 

Last night I was catching up with the emails from the weekend and one of the contributors, Shawn Ledington Fink, said that 'dreaming is the new black'. It that really resonated with me. I grabbed my Smash Book and starting doodling that quote and I have been thinking about it ever since. 

Dreaming is what get's me through most days, I am a dreamer from way back. I dream of our future, or where I would like to take ASWC, of the vegetable garden I would like to have, of raising chickens, or the mundane and the extrodinary. 

Shawn states that your dreams will become reality when you finally own it and walk into your power

I find that statement interesting to say the least and do find truth in most of it. 

So, are you a dreamer? What do you dream of? 

I am linking up with IBOT


  1. I am an absolute dreamer. Usually it's about my next project and how I can quickly rush through the current one to make a start on the new one.

    1. Oh yes, I dream about a lot of projects too!

  2. Lovely post and fantastic idea - I dream and I have made one of my dreams a reality recently - that was starting my own business. One of my catchphrases is 'Dreams for sale' because i'm selling gorgeous mobiles that have been created in France to inspire kids (and adults) to dream. Now that i've started walking in the dream - actually seeing it come to bear after travelling to France to meet the manufacturer, finding the freight company, ordering, and all the stuff that goes with it - i still feel fansastic, but the reality is that i have to walk with my feet planted very much on the ground otherwise it could all go 'poof'!. (If you get a chance see my post this week - it's quite funny because it talks of dreaming about owning my own business (which i did so i had more flexible time with my young daughter) and the realities ... good luck with your dreams (Kim @ Spirited Mama) :-)

  3. Once in a while I dream about living in a house instead of a unit, and of having enough money left at the end of the bills that we're not stressed, but that's about where it ends. :-/ The parenting with heART course sounds great! -Aroha (#teamIBOT)

  4. Sounds like you found what you need right when you were ready and knew you needed more. Goodluck with it. I dream a lot - but its just making them happy that makes me happy.

  5. I'm a huge dreamer; dream all the time. mostly of making a difference. Though right now, I'm just dreaming of feeling better :)

  6. I hope it makes all the difference!

  7. Great post and what an excellent idea! I know there are times when I am so distracted and need to be more present with my kids. Good food for thought.Cheers, Mez PS Visiting via Maxabella's weekend rewind

  8. Hello, that course sounds good, a reminder to care and be kind to selves and kids sounds a good, great idea. Until a few days ago I wouldn't have related much to dreams... have been feeling very where I need to be and content here for a good long while... but lo! A new notion has come to me, an intention for change... and I'm playing with it, dreaming it... setting the intention. Cheers to dreams.

  9. Beautiful Amy. I have been following Shaun Ledington Fink's work for a while now. She has some wonderful inspiration. Sounds like a great course. Zanni for rewind x

  10. I'm a huge dreamer ... whether awake or asleep ... I blame my overactive imagination.

  11. I'm a dreamer, but too often I don't take the time to enjoy the dreams because I'm so busy 'doing'.

    I like this a lot Amy :) Goodness knows I could do with some mothering mindfulness at the moment too ;)

  12. Deb is a class act and I'm glad the course is helping so much. I think I know that 'cry for help'. There is a little too much yelling going on at our place too and I feel we've lost our way somehow. x

  13. I am a dreamer. I did lose sight of my dreams for awhile there though when I got caught up in life. I am back on track now and am daring to dream bigger and bolder than ever :) The e-course sounds amazing. I know what it's like when you get in that rut with the kids. I have been there. I realised it stemmed from me losing sight of me and my dreams. Once I got this back on track things improved. Good luck. I hope it helps.

  14. Sounds like a wonderful course, I'll have to keep an eye out in case another one is scheduled sometime! I am a constant dreamer too, whether they are big or little. There's always something I want to do, and I hope my little girl inherits that sense of adventure and learning! Visiting via the Rewind, gorgeous blog you have here :)

  15. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't dream, it really keeps me going. Deb, is truly someone with a big heart :)
