Monday 25 March 2013

I'm on a roll

So this post better not jinx it!

Over the weekend I managed to get two quilt tops done and the quilts basted.

They are not the best looking quilts around, but I am trying to use up fabrics from my stash that have been sitting there untouched for a long long time. And well they need to be completely finished for Easter.

For the boys quilts I am using a charm pack of Reunion and then a simple white border.

I forgot to take a photo of the backing of the quilt above, but it is a Lighting McQueen fabric as both Ethan and Caden love Cars and Lighting McQueen.

Mahli's quilt is a charm pack of 30's Playtime and the border is Sweet Broderie from Rosalie Quinlan.

So I still have one more quilt top to make and then baste it, then quilt and bind all three.

I think I might just manage it!

I am linking up here:
Show and Tell Wednesday
And Sew We Craft Together


  1. Looks gorgeous Amy. I've never done quilting but seeing everyone else doing it online and on IG I feel inspired to give it a go! Fi xx

  2. Great to get some quilt projects getting finished. They look lovely. I have a couple to finish also and maybe over Easter they might just get done too.

  3. What lovely quilts! Perfect size for the car :)
