Friday 1 March 2013

A Walk In The Woods

I have been dreaming of starting new projects a lot lately, but my head kept reminding me that I still had loads of UFO's in boxes from before our move that I really needed to finish. So I decided that I would finish some of them first and them I would give my self permission to start something new.

One such project was my Walk in the Woods quilt top. I started it back in September and had plans to have it finished before we packed up our house in October, but you know what they say about best laid plans...

Anyway, B was home yesterday so I locked myself away in my new sewing space and set to work.

And about 3 hours later I was done!

And now I have the perfect wall in our back yard for taking quilt photo's! 

 It is my first finished quilt top for 2013, so please excuse the numerous photo's! I am just a wee bit excited to have finished something.

I did want to start basting it this weekend, but I don't think that is going to happen. Plus I am running out of thread. I am hoping my Mum can express post me some this week as there is nowhere in town to buy any!

Are you always thinking of new things to start before you finish something else?


  1. It's beautiful. I would love to be able to make something so special. Well done!

  2. Love!

    I constantly start new projects without finishing things. One day I'll go back and finish them all... maybe... ;o)

    1. Lol, Tonya!

      I am really hoping to finish off a lot of my WIP soon! I finished another quilt top off yesterday and I feel great about it.

      I have two stitching projects to finish off them my actually WIP’s list is pretty short.

      Amy x

  3. What a lovely quilt. I love the close up photos where you can see all the little foxes, birdies, toadstools etc. Gorgeous fabrics.
