Saturday 23 March 2013

A good idea at the time...

So on Friday night I thought it would be a great idea to make the kids a quilt each for Easter. Just a small on since we are going on holidays soon and they like to have blankets for the car.

And then I remembered that Easter is NEXT WEEKEND!

What was I thinking?!

So I pulled out some charm packs, Reunion for the boys and 30's Playtime for Mahli, and got started on a quilt top.

I got the charm squares pieced for one quilt on Friday night and now just need to add a boarder, baste, quilt and bind it.

Fingers crossed I get some decent sewing time this week so I can get them all finished.


  1. It looks so gorgeous! When I first started sewing, I disliked quilts so much, I think its the modern fabrics that I really love now. Love the bunting. Hope you have gotten some sewing time in!

    I know what it feels like when you take on those projects that seem like a great idea at the start, funny I just posted about one yesterday.

    Why do we do these things to ourselves? x

    1. Thanks for stopping by Toni-Maree, I am kind of glad that I set myself this goal. I have been so productive in the crafting department this week (not so great in the replying to comments and blogging though)! It has been super good for my soul I think 

      I’m off to check out your post now.

      Happy Easter

      Amy x
