Sunday 27 January 2013

the simple things: week 3

a weekly linky where we all can share the simple things in life that are making us smile.

Last week was a particularly bad week for us here. Not bad as in horrible things happened, just bad in the sense that our moods were pretty low. I have felt isolated and alone and it doesn't help that B didn't have a great week at work.

Saturday saw things improve, we headed out to a neighbours house for an Australia Day BBQ. The kids had a ball, and it was great to get to know some of our neighbours.

Yesterday started out with some bad news about our house back home, but that is being sorted out by the insurance company. Our home town was hit pretty hard by the floods in QLD, so my thoughts are with everyone back home.

To help me forget about all the blahness from last week, I have been sewing. Sewing was what made me smile last week!

It felt good to be creating again. I hadn't touched a sewing machine since the start of December and I hadn't touched mine since October!


What simple things made you smile this week? I would love it if you linked up below and shared your simple things from this week.
• it would be fantastic if you grabbed the badge below and added it to your post.
• please stop by and visit some of the other posts that are linked up.
• please spread the word about this linky. That would really make my day xx

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