Thursday 25 October 2012

Once Upon a Time + a giveaway

Did you watch season 1 of Once Upon a Time? I did and loved it and I have been re-watching it on DVD while I have been packing.

If you have been hiding under a rock the past few months and have no idea what Once Upon a Time is (surely the title gives a clue) it is the new show from the acclaimed writers of LOST, Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis and follows the story of fairy tale characters after a curse has trapped them in a place where all their happy endings were stolen- that world is ours.

It has a fantastic cast including Ginnifer Goodwin, Jennifer Morrison, Lana Parrilla, Josh Dallas, Jared S. Gilmore, Robert Carlyle and Raphael Sbarge.

And guess what?! I have one copy of Once Upon a Time- The Complete First Season to give away!

Just complete the details in the rafflecopter widget below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Once Upon a Time- The Complete first season was released on DVD on October 17.


  1. I have watched bits and pieces of it (as in no complete episodes) and it looks interesting but somehow I've managed to keep missing it. Would love to have the first season DVD pack so I could indulge my habit of watching entire seasons of show in a weekend - makes it so much easier to remember and follow a story line, I find!

  2. Oh and my nursery rhyme is Hey, Diddle diddle - because it is completely nonsensical!

  3. My favourite is the ring-a-ring-a-rosy one. It's my favourite because once I read an article about the history and how it originated. I LOVE that history stuff.

    I love this series! Pick meeeeee. ;)

  4. My favourite nursery rhyme is Mary Had A Little Lamb. I loved this one because I always wanted a pet when I was little, but we never got one! (I used to be so happy for Mary and also a little jealous too!)

  5. I LOVE this show - it is one of my absolute favourites and I would really enjoy reliving all the best moments again. As far as nursery rhymes go, I like Twinkle Twinkle LIttle Star. It's my 2 yo's favourite nursery rhyme and I LOVE watching her do the actions whenever she hears it!

  6. I did miss it so must be the only person I know who needs to catch up! Ring a ring a Rosie is my fave nursery rhyme as I love the actions...*a tishoo a tishoo we all fall down*..LOL

  7. How fabulous to watch the entire season. I missed so much.

    My favourite nursery rhyme is OLD MOTHER HUBBARD. I always felt sorry for the dog.

  8. My favourite nursery rhyme is Three Blind Mice. I love doing the action of chopping their tails off- it's very cruel really!! Cathy Russell

  9. Great giveaway! My favourite is This Little Piggy Goes To Market. How cute are the little piggies!!!

  10. Jack and Jill -I sang it throughout school and it's still my favourite

  11. I'm a massive fan of This Little Piggy, because it makes my son giggle when I do the actions. He spends the whole time waiting for the tickly bit at the end where the piggy goes all the way home!

  12. The first one I thought of was Peter Pumpkin Eater

  13. My fav is Mary Had A Little Lamb because it reminds me of my childhood :)

  14. I always loved Humpty Dumpty - I'm not sure why haha!! He was such a happy fellow - and then smash - gone! It was a little weird, and a little dangerous which is probably why I liked it!

  15. Hey diddle diddle the cat and the fiddle - the idea of the cow jumping over the moon always appealed to me and dogs laughing add merriment. I dont know what the dish running away with the spoon has anything to do with things Overall its a silly poem / rhyme not really trying to teach anything about life, just free and full of merriment

  16. There was an old woman who lived in a shoe-i was the oldest of 6 kids and i related to it!!

  17. I can tell you which one I don't like. Humpty Dumpty always leaves me feeling depressed. Why are so many nursury rhymes so sad!
