Friday 15 June 2012

Bringing My Inner Gleek Out

I have been meaning to link up with Little White Dove for, oh I don't know, at least a month, but Saturday comes around and it is like I have a brain fart and just keep forgetting!

Never fear, I am here today, and I just trawled you tube to find some Glee happiness. I am a bit under the weather today and Glee never falls to make me smile.

How about you? What songs make you smile?

Little White Dove


  1. Love it Amy! What a cheery boppy selection. Time to get my groove on!

    *grooving through from the Saturday Night Bloggers Boogie*

  2. Glee songs that make me happy: Paradise By The Dashboard Light, Smooth Crimina....oh who am I kidding? THEY ALL DO! :D
    Hahaha Check out my Glee blog :)
