Thursday 3 May 2012

Mrs Readalots Book Club: Putting Alice Back Together

So it is my turn to host Mrs Readalots Book Club this month and since I haven't had much time to read these past few months I picked a book that I have already read and reviewed on the blog.
The book I choose is Putting Alice Back Together by Carol Marinelli. I loved this book so so much. So much in fact, I abandoned the housework for a few days and read it in pretty much one go.
If you judge this book by its cover you might be a little shocked indeed. I don't know what I would expect the cover to actually look like, but it wouldn't be what the publishers choose...
Putting Alice Back Together has been described as:
Alice is the friend you wish you had. The girl who makes a party more fun, pulls a funny face to make you feel better, drinks wine out of a mug and makes you laugh while you're crying over an ex.

Alice is totally happy, everything is amazing and there is nothing at all to worry about...except, well:

Her job was really great -
10 years ago.
The sexiest guy alive doesn't want her -
because he's gay.
Her credit card bills are under her bed -

But maybe the biggest problem for Alice is that she has a secret. A secret so big she can't tell anyone. How do you keep a secret like that when everything is starting to fall apart? And once it's out there, how do you ever begin to put yourself back together again?
And that really does sum it up perfectly. It is a wonderful novel that sucks you in right from the beginning and doesn't let you go to well after you have turned the last page.
Putting Alice Back Together explores so many issues that are just to 'heavy' for your usual chick lit books. Issues like anxiety and depression and well her problematic relationship with prescription medications and wine...
You will laugh with Alice, you will cry with Alice and you will certainly grieve with Alice as you join her on her journey of self discovery.

What have you been reading lately? I am reading the Birth House which was last months book club book. It only just showed up late last week after a LONG time in transit.


Please link up your reviews below.



  1. Hi!
    Wondering if you could email me in regards to paying for those items, couldn't get on to the facebook page for some reason today :)

    Thanks heaps, hope going back to work has been going smoothly!

  2. Great Book Review Amy... sorry it has taken me so long to get my Bookclub post up... not for the lack of READING, mind you.
    This book sounds like one I would love to read.
    So onto my reading list it goes.
    I am in the middle of the Hunger games trilogy, after holding out for ages, thinking that it was "young adult lit" and therefore "lightweight"... HA!
    I'm engrossed in the series, and can't wait to get my hands on Book three to find out how it all ends.
    Thanks for Hosting Amy!
