Monday 9 April 2012

We are going on an egg hunt

So what do we need? Mummy made baskets of course!

They were mostly made with fabric scraps and pieces of felt out of my felt box. I love a project that comes together without having to buy anything. 
I just sat at my machine on Saturday afternoon and pieced some fabric together, matched up some felt etc and in just over an hour I had 3 baskets. No pattern, just winging it. 

I was pleased as punch.

And so where the kids!

Did you have an Easter egg hunt at your place?

I am linking up with Jess for IBOT. And also here and here


  1. You're so clever Amy! We had an egg hunt in the farm. Luckily the Easter Bunny didn't hide any in the long wet grass ;)

  2. Those bags are gorgeous. I wish I was clever and patient enough to create something like that. Rachel x

  3. What a great idea! You are super clever

  4. Great Idea! We had an egg hunt in our yard. The kids always love it!

  5. Those are pretty big bags and it looks like your Easter bunny has been generous ;)

  6. oh you are clever~! these are very cute love the material~!(no pattern.. mine would of come out with a million edges!! LOL)

  7. Love those "baskets". So gorgeous. There is no WAY I could do something like that in an hour. What an amazing job!

  8. Oh that is such a clever idea! Would love a tutorial of you have one!

  9. OH WOW!! Fabulous baskets!! That is totally an awesome idea and something the kids will remember!! We had an easter egg hunt at the grandparents house - but with cheapy baskets from $1 shop.. will DEFINITELY be sewing easter baskets next year! Thanks for the inspiration!

  10. You are so clever! We had an egg hunt...with large noodle-box baskets I got from Big W ($1.98 for 2)!! Your baskets look fantastic! (Your blog through me for a minute with the change of layout! Looks good.)

    1. haha, sorry about that Debbie. Moving the sidebar really does make a big difference. I am not sure if I like it better like this though, I will leave for a few days and see if it grows on me :)

  11. They look great! Well done.

  12. Love! Great way to use up some scraps and have some fun. Adding these to my "next year" list

  13. They look beautiful and didn't your kids have fun! Awesome. X

  14. Wow! They are great, you are so clever! Definitely filing this away for next Easter. Great photos!
