Sunday 1 April 2012

Tutorial: Bunny Rabbit Ears

This morning Caden, Mahli and I whipped up some Bunny Rabbit ears. It is the first day of school holidays so they claimed that we need to do an activity.

So we went through my felt stash and pulled out some grey felt, then we raided my scrap bin for some cottons for the front of the ears and set about to make some bunny ears.

I am completly hopeless at drawing so I printed out some Bunny Ears templates. A quick google will find you loads of different types.

Trace around them and cut out. You will need two of each for one set of each to make the ears stable enough to stand up on their own.

You will also need 2 rectangles of felt per set of ears for the head bands. I measured my kids heads to get an approximate lenght for the rectangles. They ended up being about 25cm x 4cm (or 9 and 1/4 inches x 1 and 1/2 inches) for Caden and Mahli and about 20cm x 4cm for Ethan (or 8 inches x 1 and 1/2 inches)

If you are making more than one set of ears stack all the ears together so you don't end up sewing the ears together in the wrong direction...

Now I don't have any photos of this step so please stick with me on this...

First you need to sew the cotton prints to one of the felt ears. Then once all the cottons are sewn onto the front felt ears sew the front and back felt ears together... Does that make sense?

Then once both ears are done sandwich them in between the rectangles for the head bands and sew them all together. Don't forget to sandwich some ribbon in between the ends of the felt rectangles so they can be secured on you child's (or your head!) as you can see in the photo below.

 And here are the finished Bunny Ears...

Here are Cadens finished ears, he did most of them himself!

What do you do on school holidays to keep the kids amused? We are all about Easter craft and baking this week.

I am linking up over here, and here and at And Sew We Craft.


  1. Cute! What a great project for the kids :)

  2. Fantastic idea!
    A hug

  3. CUTE! If only my little one would let me put ANYTHING on her head! Thanks for linking up to A Pinteresting Party!

  4. These are SO adorable. You should sell them. Though maybe next year? And your models are pretty darn cute. :)

  5. They are divine, Amy. Love them! x

  6. Super cute idea! Happy Easter!

  7. Awww - cute! This is a super idea, Amy! I think I might make some with my kids this Easter ... maybe tomorrow if the weather is rotten and we have to stay indoors. have a lovely Easter! x

  8. They are great and I love that the kids were involved too. Happy Easter. x

  9. Awesome. They look like bags of fun to make!

  10. These are too cute! I just found you on Crafting Roulette. I would love for you to link up to Blissful and Domestic Feature Friday Linky Party.

