Sunday 1 April 2012

Putting Alice Back Together- A review and giveaway

Putting Alice Back Together is the brand spanking new book by Carol Marinelli and I have to tell you it is superb. So great in fact, I abandoned the housework last week and read it in pretty much one go.

And if you do judge this book by its cover you might be a little shocked indeed. I don't know what I would expect the cover to actually look like, but it wouldn't be what the publishers choose...

Putting Alice Back Together has been described as:

Alice is the friend you wish you had. The girl who makes a party more fun, pulls a funny face to make you feel better, drinks wine out of a mug and makes you laugh while you're crying over an ex.

Alice is totally happy, everything is amazing and there is nothing at all to worry about...except, well:

Her job was really great -
10 years ago.
The sexiest guy alive doesn't want her -
because he's gay.
Her credit card bills are under her bed -

But maybe the biggest problem for Alice is that she has a secret. A secret so big she can't tell anyone. How do you keep a secret like that when everything is starting to fall apart? And once it's out there, how do you ever begin to put yourself back together again?
And that really does sum it up perfectly. It is a wonderful novel that sucks you in right from the beginning and doesn't let you go to well after you have turned the last page.

Putting Alice Back Together explores so many issues that are just to 'heavy' for your usual chick lit books. Issues like anxiety and depression and well her problematic relationship with prescription medications and wine...

You will laugh with Alice, you will cry with Alice and you will certainly grieve with Alice as you join her on her journey of self discovery.

And guess what?! I have one copy of Putting Alice Back Together to giveaway. Simply complete the details in the Rafflecopter widget below to be in the running.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Oh and you could also go here and read the first chapter about Alice and answer a simple question for a chance to win a $500 preloaded debit card.

Putting Alice Back Together by MIRA is available for purchase now - online at Harlequin books or in store nationally RRP AU$29.99.

Disclaimer: No money was offered or received for this review, but I did receive this fabulous book for review purposes.


  1. I've just finished reading "sister" by rosamund lupton for my Bookclub. If you like life of pi, you'll love it!

    1. I'll add that to my list Cate! I am just about to read The Birth House for my book club

  2. I read the preview chapter and I am very interested in the whole story now.

  3. Diane Blacklock The secret ingredient was a great read. A little bit foodie and love story.

    1. Sounds interesting! Have added it to my list.

  4. Jodi Picoult books are always great and she has just released a new one 'Lone Wolf'. I am going to be reading it as soon as possible and I would suggest you read it too.

    Tony Avery

    1. Thanks for the recommendation Tony! Have added it to my list.

  5. Oh wow the preview chapter has drawn me in!!!!

    I just finished The Help.. that was an amazing book - let alone an amazing movie!

  6. The Road of Lost Innoncence, by Somaly Mam. It's a non-fiction book.

  7. Monica McInerny is one of my favourites - Love "At Home With The Templetons" :)

  8. I loved 'Anonymums'- lots to relate too. (By the way am glad eclairre above mentioned 'Water for Elephants'-one on my to read list!)

    1. I enjoyed this one too - it was really funny!

  9. I'm currently reading Water for Elephants too...really enjoying it!
    I also read recently finished The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. It was a great story from the point of view of Enzo - a dog!

  10. I love those books that keep you glued to them. I end up reading everywhere, even in line until I finish haha.

  11. Oh and my book recommendation is The Berlin Syndrome by Melanie Joosten even though it's a bit creepy - it's compelling.

  12. You must read GAMES OF THRONES by George RR Martin. It is the first book in his A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE series. Just brilliant. Read the books before you see the TV extravaganza.


  13. Snow child - From the second I opened the parcel that contained this amazing book, I saw the cover and instantly felt like I’d been sent back in time. The author is incredibly talented and her words suck you in to the extreme that you dont want to put it down. Everything was described with such passion that by the end of of the story I felt like I was there and I personally knew the characters in the story and experienced every emotion possible. Keep a couple of tissues handy.

  14. I've just read "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" by Steig Larsson... but you have probably already read it.

    1. I haven't actually Jessie. It is one of those books that has been on my list for a long time, but I haven't actually got to it yet.

    2. Yes you must read these Amy - the first takes abit getting into the family tree - but it's definitely worth it!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Im looking forward to reading Bossypants by Tina Fey. I think she is pretty amazing and I have heard great things about her book.

  17. I've just grabbed my latest stack from the library and am reading Sisters by Danielle Steel. Admittedly I grabbed it for something to read while waiting for kids in the car but I'm really loving it :)

  18. You should read "Go Ask Alice" by Anonymous. Actually, EVERY parent should read this before their children hit the teenage years. An extremely sad tale about a girl who gets into drugs and eventually dies. The book is a actually the piecing together of all her diary entries, and I cry each time I read it.

  19. I love romance novels or wealth/mindset books! Havent read a good one in a while - a great book to read mmmm - have to think hard about that one.
    Gee it has been too long. What about "Refuse to Choose - what do I do when I want to do everything" by Barbara Sher!

  20. I loved 'THE GREAT GATSBY' by F. Scott Fitzgerald. :)

    Thanks for the lovely giveaway! xx

  21. I've been reading some Jodi Picoult books borrowed from my mother in law so far I'm liking the first one I've read

  22. Found you via the book club link-up, this sounds like an interesting read and I LOVE the cover, even if it isn't quite what you'd imagine after reading it!
