Thursday 12 April 2012

Things I'm Loving

It's no secret that I have a love of all things handmade.

I am totally loving these handmade treasures.

Meet Rita, from A Little Vintage

And these Pj's I made for the boys last weekend.

I love that both my boys love them and Caden has already asked for another pair.

I also started cleaning out our walk in robe this week so I will be up-cycling some old t-shirts and jumpers to make the kids some new clothes for winter.

I also have a love for things home grown...

These little peas sprouted yesterday after we planted them over the weekend. Caden was so excited when he spotted them that we had to take a photo... or 2.

And our lemonade tree is fruiting quite a bit at the moment and we pulled about 5 kilograms of fruit off it the other day. We have been making cordial and juice with it ever since.

And I am loving being a homebody these past few days. We have played some board games and done a few craft activities.

One board game in particular has been a big hit here.
 My two eldest love playing it and we are even able to play without tears from anyone for not 'winning'!

Thank you to Kristy from Paisley Jade for recommending Pictureka to us! It has been getting pull out a lot these school holidays

And I am linking up with Paisley Jade for Things I'm Loving today.


  1. Lots of lovely things. I'll have to look out for that game for my grandkids.

    1. Oh you're grandkids will love it! It is a game our whole family enjoys x

  2. How gorgeous that you are growing peas - so miss my garden beds!

    I have never heard of Pictureka before - I will be looking for this one as our boys love to play board games but it usually ends in tears when someone doesnt win/and someone does ;)


  3. I love your photos!

    Stopping by from UBP to say hello.
    Have a great weekend!
