Thursday 29 March 2012

Things I'm Loving

There is one thing that I can tell you for certain this week, that is School Holidays start at 3pm this afternoon and I will be jumping up and down with excitement!

School holidays means no rushing in the morning even though I am up at 5:30am, it means no wrestling a glue stick out of a toddlers hand for the 100th time because he has decided that he wants to smear glue all over the school desks and it also means not have to referee the eldest twos arguments over who gets to get in the car first...

So yes, this week I am certainly loving school holidays!

I am also loving this cute little cushion cover that arrived in the mail.

I bought it from the Curly Pops shop last week.

I am also loving the gorgeous new fabric line from Aneela Hoey, A Walk in the Woods

Mahli asked me to take photos of her the other day, so I am loving this new instalment of the many faces of Mahli.

Ethans' speech is coming along in leaps and bounds. If he can't find someone is the house, he walks around calling out 'Where are you', followed by our names. He says hello and goodbye unprompted. And he is always calling out Muuuuuuuuum, come here!

He has been sitting outside talking to Patch our guinea pig every afternoon too, it is so cute to watch him do it.

So what are you loving this week? Are you looking forward to school holidays or are you dreading them?

I am linking up with Paisley Jade for Things I'm Loving.


  1. School holidays again already? It goes so quickly!

    I love the fabric - such cute prints!

    Do you know much about making patchwork quilts? When Lawson outgrows his clothes I am thinking of chopping them up to make a blanket.. thought it would be a cute idea!

  2. I do a bit of patchwork quilting Melinda, I am completely self taught though! I think it is a great idea, and it is something I have thought about for my kids, but just never go around too!

    I know, this first term has gone so fast at school, but we all need these holidays, so I think they have come just in time!

  3. Yay for school holidays! I LOVE the walk in the woods range, Aneela Hoey fabric = pure joy! I have some Sherbet Pips and Little Apples charm packs in the stash and am so tempted to get some Walk in the woods... just beautiful! :)

  4. Oh, I love the Little Red Riding Hood fabric - super cute!

  5. Your kids are so cute and so is Patch
