Tuesday, 15 November 2011

A Handmade Christmas: Kids Craft

If your kids are anything like mine they love to get involved with whatever you are doing. They regularly sit on my knee when I sew, they stand on a chair when I am cooking, hell I usually have to share the shower with at least one of them. So this week I have been trying to make sure I do kid friendly crafts. They have helped with pretty much everything I have posted on the blog so far this week but for these ones I helped them not the other way around.

First off we made some Salt Dough Ornaments. The recipe is:
1/2 cup salt,
1/2 cup warm water,
1 cup flour

and I got it from this pin on Pinterest.

Here are ours:

Another favourite for kids is paper chains. We used wrapping paper for ours and cut them into strips.

Caden sat and glued for about an hour (while watching CBeebies) and he wants to make more to hang them around his bedroom.

Another Kid friendly craft is Book Trees. Do you remember making these at school? I remember using old copies of Australian Womens Weekly and it would take AGES seeing as that magazine is massive. Well instead of using old magazines I thought it would be fun to try it out on our old Golden books. We have a tonne of Golden books that we pick up from op shops and garage sales so I picked a few of the tattered ones and explained to the kids that this is a once off and that under no other circumstances are they to rip a part their books!

Anyhow here is how they turned out. I think they will look cute in the kids play area this Christmas.

I did take photo's to post a tutorial for it in case you haven't done it before or have forgotten about them but then found this one on pinterest. It is really easy to follow and she uses candle holders to display hers. Such an awesome idea!

What kids friendly Christmas crafts have you done or are planning on doing?

Please check back tomorrow for some more Handmade Gift ideas as a part of my Handmade Christmas Series.


  1. i love the paper chains we will definately be doing this one as it involves glue!!
    we made little organza bags at playgroup last week so simple and perfect for a 2 year old (and uncrafty mumma) to do plus they will make great pressies for nannas etc!!
    all the stuff for them came from our local $2 shop so cheap too!!
    it was just some little bags with drawstring top, some assorted pot pourri we had flowers and sticks and some glitter, it was all seperated into bowls and we just passed the bowls around and the kids put bits of each into their bags, tie the top up tightly and then some ribbon around that made into a loop with the idea of hanging them on the tree.
    we are going to make a few at home to give to all the female members of the family!!
    thanks for the easy craft

  2. That is an awesome idea Ann! I bet the kids loved doing it too?!

  3. all the kids loved it and my 2 year old loved it as it took roughly 5 mins for him to make 2 little bags, he did it all by himself i just tied them up plus they smell nice (he loves smelling stuff!!) and are pretty with the glitter in to shake up!!

  4. I want to do the salt dough ornaments. Just gotta remember to buy salt! I used to make chains as a kid too but we used shiny plastic sort of paper. I didn't even think laterally to consider using Christmas wrap! Der!

  5. Lovely that the kids had so much fun! We've painted the rest of our salt dough trees now. Yours look great!

    That's a great tip using wrapping paper for the chains, much more interesting than crepe paper.
