Tuesday, 15 November 2011

You know what? I AM Okay!

Image from: weheartit.com

That title may sound strange to you, but to me, it makes me smile.

I have been catching myself thinking that a lot lately. This time 12 months ago I wanted to end my life, I wanted it to be over and I wanted to cease to exist. And you know you what, catching myself smiling at random moments and thinking that I am okay, it makes me feel more than okay.

I am happy, I am content with my kids, my life and my husband. I still lose my cool at times, but you know what. It is all manageable.

Life is far from easy, but I am enjoying it.

For those of you in the midst of PND, it does get better. I am proof of that.

This week is Postnatal Depression Awareness week. If you are in need of assistance Beyond Blue have a wealth of information. Please remember you are not alone.


  1. Glad you are in a better place. And it's great that you can encourage others with PND. It DOES get better...it's not always easy, but the sun does shine again. Keep smiling at those random moments.

  2. My friend, this just made me smile :) Keep finding rainbows.

  3. Thank you both x

    Glad it made you smile Laura :)

  4. good to hear lovely. enjoy your time in melbourne, im sure it will make you smile. xx

  5. Isn't it a wonderful day when you realise PND isn't with you and exactly that, I am ok! This is great news and marks a huge achievement in your recovery. It was a tough journey and now you have a destiny that is unstoppable. Well done and keep on trucking'! heh heh, i couldn't resist that, i mean travelling!

  6. So great to read hon - PND can change you in many ways, but it does get better. It is awesome that you are catching those moments when you are randomly smiling - may there be many many more!

    (and 6 years post partum / 4 yrs post recovery I still lose my cool too, but less often)

  7. May there be many more random moments for you in 2012 to smile at :)
