Sunday 10 July 2011

Happy Monday!

School holidays are over here in Queensland. Caden went back today and was up at 6am asking if it was time to go to school yet? I am glad he loves going, the excitement and happiness in his eyes is a beautiful thing to see.

 On the way home from Kindy drop off we swung by the local primary school to pick up and enrollment pack for next year... apparently I am way to organised as they were only printing them as I walked in... I can't believe that he will be off to prep next year (not sure what that is in other states, but he is 5 in September if that helps) and Mahli will be off to kindy, leaving just Ethan at home with me 5 days at fortnight. People keep saying how much time I will next year with only Ethan at home, but I really don't see it like that. I have to do kindy and school drop off and pick up in two different locations, Ethan won't have a big sister at home with him to amuse him whilst I hang out a load of washing or any other task that needs doing without his help... I can only see life getting busier next year, not how much 'free' time I will have on my hands.

What do you think? Once your kids started school did you magically get all this free time that you never knew existed?

image from: weheartit

1 comment:

  1. Qld Prep is NSW Kindy (the first year of primary school)
    Wow thats late for the school to be organising enrollments, my daughter was signed into kindy and we already knew she had a place at our chosen school (it is outside our local area) by this stage of the year.
    My oldest had to have his enrollment forms in a little over a month ago for him to be entered in High School (scary) next year or he wouldn't have gotten a place at our local school!
