Monday 11 July 2011

Happy Anniversary B!

On this day three years ago I became a Mrs. Yep, we did it backwards, kinda. It went like this for us. First we got engaged, then we got pregnant 6 months later, 9 months after that Caden was born, 8 months after that pregnant again followed by the birth of Mahli. Then we finally got married when Mahli was 4 months old. 

I look back on the photos of my eldest two kids at the wedding and they look so small compared to now. I love that they were there with us to celebrate the occasion.

So Happy Anniversary to my fabulous hubby, B. You drive me crazy a lot of the time. But I love you more now than ever. I look back on the photos of our wedding day and I can see the joy beaming from us both. Even though you promised to be unfaithful in our wedding vows :-P

True story instead of saying this:
to love and to cherish, with trust and understanding, with patience and fidelity, as long as we both shall live?
He said this:
to love and to cherish, with trust and understanding, with patience and infidelity, as long as we both shall live?
And no B, you will never be forgiven for that ;-P


  1. Happy Anniversary Amy :)
    It took us 8 yrs to get to tie the knot but I love that we too had our oldest three there to witness our special day.


  2. We tied the knot then had kids 7 years later - no issue about conceiving, just took that long to get around to it!

  3. hehe, how cute! Just see it that way: it will always be something you can laugh about together, and that's something really important in a relationship! :o)

  4. Hope you guys had a great anniversary and B breaks his vow every day!
    Rewinding with the Multiple Mum

  5. I was pregnant at our wedding! I think these days there isn't a 'right' way. Just whatever works for you! Your husband's faux pas made me laugh! Thanks for Rewinding x

  6. I love the idea of having your kids at your wedding.
    I had my kids at mine... kind of! My Kinder class all came to see me get married! I taught in the small country community where my parents lived, and where I was married.
