Sunday 26 June 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Bubba Boy!

Taken this morning while he was opening presents.
My baby is 1! He isn't a baby anymore! Man this year has flown. I am exhausted from a week of sick kids and so will be back later to do a proper post about his birthday but wanted to thank everyone for their comments and emails wishing Ethan a happy birthday. He had a great day and it looks like his bout of croup has left the building, he just has a niggling cough and runny nose. But is otherwise a happy camper.

A full wrap up of the birthday festivities will have to wait until later in the week.

Hope you have all had a great weekend. xx


  1. Loving that little face about to burst with glee!
    He is having a wonderful time isn't he! Look what you are building you clever girl - a happy healthy little man that only knows love . Well done you and daddy!

  2. Happy Birthdsy gorgeous little man!!
    I hope the party went well xx

  3. Such a sweet little man! Love that smile!

  4. Oh it looks like our boys were born on the same day!
    Happy birthday to your gorgeous boy!

  5. Happy first birthday to Ethan!! He looks so happy in the photo! Such a cutie!
