Wednesday 25 May 2011

Our creative space

Yay! It's Thursday again, which means two things.
  1. The weekend is ALMOST here
  2. It's time to peek into my creative space!

This week I have been spending A LOT of time doing this

268/365 - Default State
image from here

Why? Well I signed up for this
  and this

after I got the swapping bug from Vic's Cushion Swap and well I am a little lost as to what I want to make for both.

I am not even sure I want to make a tea towel as I have found some awesome vintage ones also.

I have been rambling, but for a reason. I want YOUR help. I need to stop doing this-

Please help me to think outside the box and shoot me through some links to something that takes your fancy. Something you would like to receive or something you would make or have made. I need ALL the help I can get! 


Pop on over to Our Creative Space. It's the new place that Kirsty set up. 

Till next time



  1. MMmm where to get inspiration from... I'm afraid my head is totally in clothes upcycling just now as that's what I've been doing all month! I have lots of ideas for that on my blog (nearly 100 if that's any help??

    Good luck thinking outside that box!!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  2. Love this post. My advice - just start. get out some fabrics, bits and pieces, get busy, convince yourself you're getting to work and your brain will tick over in the back there somewhere and before you know it inspiration will arrive.

  3. I am also in the brooch swap, not started yet.
    I am of no help sorry, but I like the other ladies advice.


  4. No links, I'm afraid, but I think small toys make cute and quirky brooches. x

  5. Felt can be fun to use. It can be cut small and doesn't need to be edged to stop it fraying either. Just play, you never know where it will take you.

  6. Hmmm... I don't really have any good advice for you - but I do wish I had joined the swap! Are there any other good swaps around at the moment? Maybe for your teatowel you could print/embrioder/paint/sew "think outside the box" with a pic of the box on it. A bit hard to know without info on your swap partners. :)Whatever you decide, happy creating!

  7. Thanks for the comments guys! I have had a bit of a play around with some brooch ideas and i think I have one that I will follow through with.

    Seaweed and Raine- I haven’t seen any other swaps happening at the moment. But I am sure there would be others out there.

    Like your idea for the tea towel!

    Amy xx

  8. whenever I need inspiration these days, my first thing is to open pinterest and just google the thing i want to make. there are so many awesome pictures there of pretty much everything you can think of, it always gets my creative synapses fired up.
    good luck! ;o)

  9. Ah yaga I have been trying to stay away from pinterest. I can already feel the hours of time wasted and the housework piling up as soon as I sign up. It has been tempting me. You may have just tipped me over the edge...
