Friday 20 May 2011

I am grateful for...

I missed last weekend grateful link up. To tell you the truth I haven't really felt grateful for much lately... well that's not entirely true. I have felt grateful for the same things I always do and those things being my three children, but everything else... just seems to hard. I have been slipping further and further into the abyss and trying to keep a smile on my face has just become to damn hard. But this week I just want to say that I AM grateful for my bloggy friends, the ones who comment here on my blog or respond to the comments I leave on their blogs. You give me a welcome distraction from my mind and I thank you for it.

Pop on over to Maxabella's to see what everyone else is grateful for this week.


  1. Okay, dear Amy, here's what we're gonna do. Next week when you link up I want you to remind yourself of all the LITTLE things that make your life good. Man, some weeks I've been grateful for things like my toothbrush and email. Seriously. But, just appreciating those little things can make the world of difference to how we see our life and the way we are living it. Promise. x

  2. Oh gorgeous Amy I'm always grateful for the messages you take the time to leave on my blog. I'm really enjoying blogging again and 'meeting' and getting to know new people. I hope this coming week is a better one.

    Have a great weekend x

  3. Dear Amy
    I'm really grateful that you are one of my blogging friends. I've been through some pretty hard and very depressing times in my life and at those times I do the Buddhist thing of trying to live in the moment. Don't think about what happened before, don't think about what will happen next just say 'Am I OK at this very minute. Are my children OK at this very minute' Then at least you've survived that minute and do it for the next one, and the next one and the next one. Its how I got through some of the very worst times.
    Take care, my lovely girl. Email me if you want, I can also always give you a call.

  4. This is the first time I have visited your blog but it is nice to see that you have all these bloggy friends to feel grateful for. I hope the next week is better for you - I am trying to teach myself to be present in the moment, and am trying to stop no matter what is going on and find something simple to be grateful for:it is helping! Good luck. Will look forward to popping back next week for more grateful news from you!

  5. Hi Amy, I've just found your blog through Maxabella's linky, just want to say we all have days/weeks/months like that - you're not alone xxx Hopefully next week the sun is shining a little brighter at Mahlimoo ;-)

  6. Hi Amy , came across from Maxabella's link and also remembered your stunning cushion. Depression is is a hard journey to take, but like in all the previous comments have illustrated, it's a journey that you are not alone in. You have a very supportive network in the bloggy world! And I must say , thankyou for sharing your honest feelings with us. It is an extremely difficult topic to voice sometimes, but others will benefit from it too.

  7. Hi Amy, visiting from Maxabella Loves linky thingy. Life is such a kaleidoscope of emotions and it so important that we have people to share the journey with, both IRL and online. I know how you feel, this week I am also grateful for my special online friends.

    x J

  8. sound a bit like me this morning..just under everything. My black mood started to lift when I got a little excited over what I could make for a friend. Maybe that would work for seems to just take your mind off your own troubles..even for a while.

  9. Amy, I have just found your blog through Maxabella's. I know how you feel, sometimes it's hard to find the good in things. Some days are hard, heck, some weeks are hard! When I feel like this I try to think of a few things that have given me a smile over the week... sometimes it's the smallest thing, like a cup of tea in a mug I love... some weeks it works better than others :)
    ONe thing I know though, none of us are at our peppy best all the time, and that's why I love blogging, our community are there even when we feel down.
    Hope you find some sunshine this week. xxx

  10. Bloggy friends, online friends, they are AMAZING. Seriously, it's like they reach inside of us and see us more clearly than our every day friends sometimes.

  11. Thank you so much for you comments and kind words guys! They mean so much...

    Today is a better day and I can tell you one more thing that I am grateful for right now (besides you guys!) and that is my flannelette Elmo jammies! I am so glad I live in QLD. I would been such a sook living in the southern states. It is cold enough for me here!

    Amy xx
