Friday 27 May 2011

I am grateful for

It's that time of the week again. And this week let me tell you what I am grateful for. Be warned there are a few:

1. Thanks to Ikea ( hubby and I doing all the hard work) my kids rooms are now organised and I am not tripping over bloody toys every time I enter there room!

2. Hubby! B had some home time this week as he decided to take a week off work to just chill at home. It has been a great week. The kids are always begging him to jump on the trampoline with him and this week he actually had time to do a lot of it.

3. Garage Sales and De-cluttering! We are having a garage sale tomorrow morning to get rid of stuff! You know how 'stuff'  just accumulates over the years... it's like it breeds or something and then nothing has a place anymore. Well things have a place now! Anything that I haven't used in the past year is gone (excluding books! My books are here for the long haul)

4. Warm clothes! I live in Central QLD. On the coast not out west. It is not supposed to get cold here. It has been though. So I am loving my cheap imitation ugg boots from K-Mart and my warm cosy jumpers.

For more gratefuls pop on over to Maxabella's place!


  1. I identify with number 4. It's freezing here so I'm wearing my ugg boots, flannelette pj's and a very warm dressing gown. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. what a wonderful list! How fun that your husband got to jump on the trampoline this week! :) hope the garage sale goes really well!

  3. yay Amy, a wonderful follow up to last week's post, I am so pleased to read that you are feeling all full of gratefully gratefullness again (overkill, i know!). And organising all the kid's toys is my favorite, oh to walk the house without tripping over a piece of lego!

  4. Oh you had me with IKEA storage for children's toys, yes!! We just had a lovely week with Daddy home (last week) it was wonderful for the children too. Brrr, it is chilly. Nothing wrong with faux ugg boots when you don't REALLY need them much, love Posie
    (sorry it's anonymous, Blogger won't let me sign in)

  5. oh I love a good declutter! (and warm clothes, freezing here in Vic!)

  6. Man I love IKEA. I mean LOVE.

    Visiting from Grateful.
