Monday 23 May 2011

{CLOSED} I have a secret... {plus a giveaway!}

I tune in to Saturday Morning Disney most weekends for my fix of Hannah Montana... and when Hubby catches me and asks why I am watching it I simply shrug and tell it was the kids and I am not watching it I am actually stacking the dishwasher...

So I was uber thrilled when, thanks to the lovely peeps at Porter Novelli, I got the opportunity to review the new Hannah Montana DVD, Hannah Montana Forever.

The Hannah Montana Forever two disc DVD is the Final Season of the show and is due to be released on the 8th of June 2011.

We all have heard of Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus and if you haven't, well where have you been for the last 5 years??? This girl has her face on everything from Snack foods to clothing and beyond. Still don't know who I am talking about? Well she is the daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus...

And him right there is the reason why I tuned in in the first place. I really just wanted to see if his hair cut got any better.

Anyhow, prepare yourself as the series that captivated teenagers (and housewives like me!) around the world, and starring superstar MILEY CYRUS, comes to a dramatic close in the most rocking season yet. But before we say goodbye, say hello to more great music, hilarious adventures and fabulous outfits when you take home the final 13 episodes in this brand new 2-disc DVD collectors set.

And guess what? I have one copy to giveaway to some lucky duck.

Okay the boring stuff:

To enter simply comment on this post answering:

 What has been worst hair disaster? Anything as bad as a mullet a la Billy Ray??? 

For additional entry you can share this giveaway on Twitter, Facebook or even blog about it. Just be sure to pop back here and leave another comment for each. Oh and if using twitter use @MahliMoo so I can keep track. Ta muchly.

Entries close 2nd of June 2011 and the winner will be drawn on June 3rd 2011 at random using

And sorry Entry is only open to those with Australian Postal Addresses.

Disclosure: I received a complimentary review copy of the DVD courtesy of Disney Channel via Aussie Mummy Bloggers. No financial payment was offered nor accepted for this post. All opinions expressed are purely my own.


  1. Oh gosh I'm a closet Hannah Montanah fan too!!

    My worst hair style was back when I was a kid. Not sure I'm going to be able to explain well....but....I would get the sides around my face cut short (just above my ears) and then get out my trusty gel, and gel them back so horizontal with my ears....oh I was classy!!!

  2. I've also shared on my FB wall.

  3. Hiya! I just stumbled across your blog, I am a new follower x
    Worst hair disaster is a tufty spot on my crown that seems to be pretty permanent, because when I am stressed/studying/watching a masterchef stress test etc, I twirl my hair, and it seems I constantly break it in the same spot! ARGH! Worse habit then nail biting I am sure!

  4. melanie whittle24 May 2011 at 06:13

    Hi followed a link here and am now a follower :)
    my worst hair disaster i would have to say was when i got a bob and then a perm not a good look on my rounded face or maybe just not a good look ever.

  5. Hey:)
    Nice giveaway thank you! Hmm worst hair disaster was when I went to a formal event with half of my hair wet because it did not blow dry as I thought and it was so humid at the event that when it did finally blow dry it was uber puffy/frizzy and I had to hide in the bathroom for the rest of the night because it was so embarrassing:/!!! Thank you again my e-mail is :D

  6. My worst hair disaster would have been in highschool when I decided I needed blonde hair. I tried dying my naturally dark brown hair with a bottle of dye and it turned a horrible orange colour!

  7. The horrors of beehives of hair teased and tormented for my end of schooldays dance in the late 1960s.... The next day my hair was like a solidly lacquered - it felt wired - halo [with many strands breaking off during the next few days] and I removed over seventy bobby pins that had secured the monstrous hair mountain...... so traumatic an experience I refused to go to a hairdressing salon for a decade afterwards....
