Wednesday 13 April 2011

My creative space

Howdy peeps. It's that time of the week again. So far the scooters have been turned into this-
 and also another applique top for Caden but it is in the wash and I forgot to take a photo of it.

The Birds got turned into this-
And the rest of the bundle is sitting patiently next to my sewing machine waiting to be sewn into some scatter cushions.

Talking about cushions, I got some time to sew up these-
He's already a pro at photobombing at age 4...
They will be heading to the markets with my Mum this weekend as I have to go to my day job.

And in the mail today I receive all this!
Are you jealous? :-P

Mahli has already picked out which fabric she wants made into what. She has a mighty long list of demands for a 3 year old.

 Anyhow, thanks for dropping by my creative space. 

P.S Sorry for the dodgy photo's, I had to you my iPhone. The kiddies have apparently 'borrowed' my camera and have forgotten where they put it. Let's just hope it wasn't the bin!


  1. Lots of gorgeous goodies today. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Where did you buy all that gorgeous material from?

  3. Not sure if you will read this and I can't email you since you posted as Anonymous. But the fabric came from a few places, but the majority of the above pile was from
