Wednesday 23 February 2011

My Creative Space- Cushions!

Or maybe just one cushion! I had big plans for this week. I was going to make all new cushions for our lounge room. And yep I only got one done! Between some mega headaches on my part and a teething baby in my arms most days that is all I had time for. Sigh! I only got to play with Jan the Janome for 20 minutes this past week. I will defiantly be changing that next week as I have fabric piling up that I have big plans for!

I also have plans to re-upholster our dining chairs. I haven't decided which fabric I will be using but I am tossing up between a Amy Butler or Heather Bailey print. I am in love with both and they are the type of fabric that lives in my stash for so long because I am afraid to cut them because they are just to gorgeous.

Do you have any fabric in your stash that you think is just to good to cut???

Pop on over to kootoyoo to check out what other's creative spaces look like this past week!


  1. I was planning on making cushions this week too but just didnt' get there. Can't wait to see your dining chairs, they sound great.

  2. Love cushions and yours is gorgeous. I often find when I have big plans to create it often doesn't happen and when I least expect it I dive into it and don't want to stop. Teething babies are hard work - grab a cuppa, put your feet up and pat yourself on the back for doing such a great job!

  3. Totally understanding where you're at with the teething baby thing. I've been so desperate to sew that I've attempted it with miss on my lap. It works ok provided she keeps her hands on the desk and away from anything pointy. Good luck with the re-upholstering and enjoy busting those fabrics out of your stash where only you get to see them.
