Friday 25 February 2011

Is it the weekend already???

I have had a jam packed week, but it feels like it was Sunday like yesterday! I am ashamed to say I haven't finished my linen cupboard re-vamp {sad face}. You see baby E has been teething all week. So when I haven't been at work I have had a screaming baby on me knee. This week off teething has been all new to me. You may be thinking hang on a minute you already have three kids. How can teething be new to you??? Well I have been blessed with two older children that just woke up one day with a new tooth. No evidence of one popping up and then suddenly it was there. I am so thankful for that as this week has been hell!!! Here is hoping the others don't cause him this much grief.

So first on my to-do list for next week will be the linen cupboard! That is after I go to work for 3 hrs on Monday morning. I completely forgot I had work and my mum reminded me this morning. Thanks Mum I was happy in my dreaming of no work until next Saturday! And looking for to my trip to Brisbane kid free in between!

Well enough of my rambling. I have a roast dinner to check on! Happy weekend everyone!

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