Monday 2 September 2013

A much needed break

Last weekend we packed up and headed for the coast. And boy did we need that break! Both B and I have always lived near the water. This is our first time living away from the ocean and well we thought it wasn't effecting us not seeing it often, boy were we wrong.

I was so excited to see the ocean on Friday afternoon, technically it's the wrong ocean for us since we grew up on the Pacific Ocean side of the country, but the Indian Ocean will have to do for now.

We spent all day Saturday by a river fishing and trying out B's new boat. The kids had a ball, the dogs were in their element and the sand flies were out int force (I don't miss them!)

We only caught a few fish and sadly they were all under size, but the kids still loved it.

B didn't really fish much as his main aim for the weekend was to 'wear in' his new motor on the boat. And wear it in he did!

And we can't wait to do it all again soon!

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