Sunday 25 August 2013

Etsy Shop Love: Pen and Paint

I long long time ago I came across a gorgeous print that was floating around the interwebs. Sadly this print wasn't credited to anyone but a gorgeous lady tracked its owner down and it turns out that it belongs to the lovely Lindsay of Pen and Paint.

Please check out her blog because it is one gorgeous, gorgeous part of the interwebs!

Anyway, Lindsay also has a fabulous Etsy store. And if I had unlimited wall space ALL of her prints would be coming to live with me.

Here are just a few of them and some of them may or may not be coming to live with me (sshh! Don't tell my husband)

{found here}

Note: Please don't pin these images from here, pop on over to the Pen and Paint etsy store and do it from there. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love that second one! I think I know what I'm buying myself for my studio as a happy birthday to me present!
