Sunday 10 March 2013

the simple things week 9 {with linky}

a weekly linky where we all can share the simple things in life that are making us smile.

On Friday I received a very special email that made me smile from ear to ear!

CONGRATULATIONS! Your blog has been nominated for VOICES OF 2013 in the Creative & Home category. Someone loves what you're doing and has put you forward for an award. 

I expressed my glee, disbelief and excitement on my Facebook page and shared my thanks there but wanted to say thank you again here.

Thank you for joining me here, thank you for sharing my journey, for helping me through our recent move, for  being inside my computer!

And thank you for nominating this little blog of mine!


What simple things made you smile this week? I would love it if you linked up below and shared your simple things from this week.

• it would be fantastic if you grabbed the badge below and added it to your post.
• please stop by and visit some of the other posts that are linked up.
• please spread the word about this linky. That would really make my day xx  
 Actually Amy



  1. Thanks for hosting Amy and you so deserve the award. You're always tirelessly working behind the scenes on yours and others blogs so well done!

    Anne xx

  2. I love this idea. I had a friend email me yesterday and tell me she had recommended me to a business associate because they were interested in building a blog for their business and I would be a great consultant. I may have nearly choked - but you know there is no reason why I couldn't do it! So it made my day that this person thought so.

    Enjoy your week and you deserve to be in the Voices Comp!
