Friday 29 March 2013


This week has been a bit of a mixed bag craft wise.

I've done some sewing for the kids quilts

I've been crocheting- I started to make a simple stripe blanket

but I put that on the back burner and decided to just focus on some dish cloths first. That seems like a much easier project for my skill level!

I've painted and then let the kids take over my project with some coloured buttons. 

It's not finished yet though.

I even had time for some stitching!

What did you get up to this week?


  1. What a nice and creative week! What's the quote say on the stitching??

    1. Thanks Alyce, the quote is "Home is wherever I'm with you".

  2. You sure have been busy and it looks like your projects are coming out nicely!
    If you are a beginning crocheter, it really is smarter to start with some small projects. Dish cloths are a great way to practice different stitches. Hey, if you goof up, you still have a useable item, LOL!
