Saturday 9 March 2013

Day 23: Lettuce Smoothies {The Pinterest Edition}

I am kind of losing my smoothie mojo at the moment. Befor starting this 31 Days Of Smoothies I would probably have 2-3 smoothies a week, now I am having them daily and whilst I love my smoothies, I need a break sometimes.

So today is a no smoothie day here. The kids have requested pancakes for breakfast and I think I will be treating myself to some too.

So instead I thought I would share some lettuce smoothie recipes from pinterest. I have never had a lettuce smoothie but after seeing these pins I think there will be some in my future.

This post is a part of my 31 Days of Smoothies Series. 

1 comment:

  1. Would never have occurred to me to use lettuce in a smoothie, so thanks for that, you've just added to my repertoir, which is getting a bit boring. I need the occasional smoothie break, too, and I've been going for about three months now.
