Friday 22 March 2013

Daily bread

About a fortnight ago I finally decided to start baking all of our own bread again. It was triggered by buying yet another less than stella loaf from our one and only supermarket. We have no bakery here or any other options for shopping.

The bread that is sold in our supermarket is flown up from Perth to the airport which is an hour away in another town. It is then picked up by a ute and driven back to town while being baked all over again in the hot sun in the back of said ute.

So really it was an easy choice, I have been trialing a few ways to make and bake the bread. I tried out a new recipe in my thermomix

I have also been playing with a no knead bread

and finally I decided that now would be as good a time as any to try sourdough and make my own starter.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 4

So far the starter is going well. I can't wait to bake my first loaf of sourdough.

Do you bake bread?