Tuesday 15 January 2013

Back To School: Are you ready?

There are a few things that I have on my to do list this week. They include swimming lessons, grocery shopping, menu planning, book covering, labelling all school items and bulk cooking for school lunches.School starts back here on the 4th of February and we are a little organised. But we still have a few more things to do.I received this parcel the other day from Stuck On You.

So that will enable me to cross a few jobs off my list this week.

We received a Family Pack and just had our last name on them so that I could use the across all the kids school items.

Mahli did get some personalised items though for things at are just hers. And we got some new bag tags too, A button bag tag and a Classic Bag Tag.I also got us a new 2013 Calendar. We used to have a family planner. But this Calendar is big enough for me to list all the kids activities plus anything else that I need to record.

And now that I am all organised. It is now your chance to do the same! I have one $50 Voucher to giveaway to one lucky Actually Amy reader.

To enter simply tell me in 25 words or less your best back to school organisation tip.

Terms and Conditions:

The giveaway will commence at 10am WA Time on the 16th Of January 2013 and will end on Sunday 20th January 2013 at Midnight Western Australian time.

The winner will be notified via email (so please make sure you leave me a way to contact you)

All entries over 25 words will not be accepted.


If you are looking for some back to school inspiration and or want to find out more about Stuck On You you can find them on the web here:

Website- https://www.stuckonyou.com.au

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/stuckonyouofficial

Twitter – www.twitter.com/stuckonyoutweet

Google+ - Okey. gplus.to/StuckonYou

Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/StuckonYouAust/



PS - If you want to maximize your chances of winning $50 voucher from Stuck on you - enter at

My Little Drummer Boys

Mum's The Word

The Useful box

too !

Disclaimer: I was gifted the products listed in the post. I have previously used Stuck On You products so was more than happy to review these products on the blog as they are items that I love and have faith in. All opinions are my own. No money was offered or received for this post.


  1. Make and freeze sandwiches on Sunday night - then you have sandwiches all week - ready to go!

  2. Get the kids back into regular routine a few days before holidays end

  3. Get everything ready and packed the night before.

  4. The three RRRs. Routine, rewards and relaxation! (for Mum)


  5. we are back into school routines by the week before school goes back. getting up and going to bed at the right times. No tv in the mornings, dinner at right time. Makes it so much easier when they are back.

  6. Create a special spot to hang school bags, place school shoes and stick up notes / forms / important dates for each child.

  7. Try and get as much of the purchasing done before Christmas, takes out the anxiety of last minute rush.

  8. Hi Amy, what a great giveaway and I'm loving the tips even though we've still got two weeks until school goes back here in the ACT. I always get the kids to wear their new shoes in the week before they go back to school - saves any first day blisters or other disasters :)

  9. We are trying a new chart system for morning routines.
    I made up a chart that the kids have a list that they move their little marker (smiley face or star) down as each job/chore gets done .
    Have breakfast , Brush Teeth , Make Bed, Get Dressed, Shoes and Socks, Lunches in Bag and so on.
    I am hoping this will ease some of the pain hhahaah in the morning , our usual mornings are chaotic and loud hahaha.
    I will let you know how we go :)
    So my main point is I guess routine and less stress :D


  10. Unpack bags the minute they get home and have a place for forms and art. Cleaner, tidier and you'll always know what's happening at school :)

  11. Before school starts make up batches of different homemade healthy muffins such as savory and sweet ones and freeze them for lunches or snacks.

  12. Freeze some treats like muffins and scrolls so that when you are not organised you have a fall back.

  13. Have a checklist of everything your child(ren) needs, and get everyone off to sleep early for a few days before school resumes.

  14. Lunches packed the night before, will help you get out that door! Bags are packed and uniforms ready should make the morning much more steady :)

  15. Get organised at least a week before, and start baking school snacks like muffins during the holidays. Give some to the kids for afternoon tea; freeze some for lunches. Then it's easy. Have them try on uniforms and shoes to check for sizing and comfort, so you can fix anything prior to the morning before school! And yes, definitely wear the shoes a few times before school starts. And ... breathe.

  16. Shop for lunchboxes, help kids choose
    Buy high quality socks and shoes!
    Practice (on holidays) the school routine
    And also invest in a labelling machine!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Unpack School bags as soon as the kiddies get home that way drinks can be frozen again that way they'll be ready for the morning

    saekae at bigpond dot net dot au

  19. Make sure you have all food needed the night before school. Nothing worse than doing a mad dash morning of.

  20. Get the children involved. It's extremely helpful when they take ownership & responsibility for certain age appropriate tasks.


  21. We start prep in two weeks so don't yet have many words of wisdom in relation to school organisation tips. However we have uniforms, shoes and stationery sorted so are organised in that respect. Now it's all about sorting out the emotions. Yikes!

  22. Schoolmum newbie- but easy to open lunchbag and drink bottle with reusable containers for sandwiches etc. And reminding them to have fun!

  23. I get the uniforms, backpacks etc out, tested for size etc and cleaned a week before school starts back.


  24. A week or so before school get the kids back into their school routine or that first week is going to be a ghastly scene!

  25. If you can get away with it, use those book cover slips rather than getting caught up in contact paper!!!

  26. I have 5 kids between the ages of 2 and 13. I always find the new year a great time to set up new routines e.g. bed time, cleaning up, chores. We re-negotiate the chores every year as I like them to always be learning new life-long cleaning skills. Last year the new chore for the older three was to help with the preparation of the evening meal. This year, the eldest will cook a meal once a week (it will be interesting in term1). The younger two (aged 2 and 4) will start on the chores roster this year with setting the table and emptying the dishwasher.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Invest in an inbox at home to keep school notes and relevant information for each child in one place and separate to general household paperwork.

  29. Make sure you have washed out lunchboxes and school bags from previous year if you plan on using them again... otherwise be prepared for smelly surprise.

  30. My mission is to be organised to combat missing hats! Has anyone else noticed that hats must have their own little legs and walk away? (Or maybe run as I don't seem to ever catch them!). Hence, I am getting organised with our school and day care hats- clearly labelled hats (the labels are on a white background so easy to see). We have also designated the front pocket of our bags as the place to store our hats. Wish me luck on our mission.
    russellcathryn at yahoo. com dot au

    1. Sorry, I only just read the 25 words or less terms and couldn't work out how to delete the comment.
      Will try again. Thanks

  31. Not loosing hats is our mission for school! Clearly labelled hats and designating the front pocket as the place to keep them! Wish us luck! russellcathryn at yahoo dot com.au

  32. Pack bags, organise clothes etc as far in advance as you can so for the remaining time you can cry and cuddle your grown up baby!

  33. A weekly planner is always a handy little helper to keep tabs on what's on for the weeks ahead. Stick it on the fridge or in a location which is clearly visible so nothing is forgotten

  34. Don't run out of name labels, there's so much needing to be labelled!!!!

  35. Train kids - hat comes off head, hat goes in bag, hat comes out of bag, hat goes on head. Plus put a label on it.

  36. Stay calm in the mornings. Makes a child's school day easier if they arrive calm ready to learn.
