Sunday 16 September 2012

Stash busting

So my fabric stash is out of control, I am forcing myself to use at lot of it before I actually purchase any more and I have probably said that line a lot before... but today I actually set to work on using some of my charm packs, 5 packs to be precise.

I started working on the walk in the woods charm quilt that I started planning months ago. I say started planning because I spread them all out and arranged the squares then stacked them in an organised pile.

They then proceeded to sit on my shelf doing nothing... until today

I am well on my way to completing the quilt top tonight. The rows are all pieced together and my new Table Top Pressing Board came in mighty handy! 

It will measure 14 squares across and 20 squares down. I am hoping that it will be big enough for a single bed.

Do those measurements sound right to you? Do you try to curb your fabric purchases or are you always in control of your stash?

I am linking up with And Sew We Craft and My Creative Space


  1. Ooh, I love those fabrics - so very pretty, I have some coasters made from them that I use daily

    My fabric stash is not under control at all - I can't seem to stop treating myself, plus my mum and sis pick up remnants for me! I really need to have an organising session to see just what I have got!

  2. Thanks Rae.

    The fabrics are so whimsy aren’t they?

    Glad to hear that I’m not the only one with an out of control fabric stash.

    Thanks for stopping by

    Amy x

  3. Looks great so far! Great fabric choices!

  4. Beautiful fabrics. I hear you about the stash busting - I keep promising to do the same, but keep buying too ... I'm afraid I'm a lost cause ;)

  5. My stash is full of leftovers and old curtains, that never seem right for what I am making, so I end up having to go shopping again!

  6. Hahaha I am so NOT crafty! I have no fabric at all.
    I would love to be able to sew and make awesome stuff
    but need to find the time to buy some to practise!
    The prints look gorgeous by the way beautiful :)
