Friday 24 August 2012

Random Stuff

Things have been quiet on the blog this week. For a few reasons but mainly because I was away from home for most of the week.

Anyway, I thought I would share some of my week with you:
  • Caden losing his first tooth
  • Mahli falling over at least 10 times (she does that a lot!)
  • B and I being on 6 planes in 3 days
  • Me visiting places I have never been before
  • Travelling to another time zone and back
  • Getting up at a god awful hour every morning this week
  • Caden playing his second last game of football for the year
  • Ethan talking in clear sentences
  • I read some books that I have wanted to read for a long long time
  •  And our last plane of all the 6 was delayed by almost 3 hours and all they gave us was these measly $8 refreshment vouchers
So what did you get up to this week? 

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