Wednesday 11 April 2012

The one where I beg for a sponsor for #nnb2012...

So all this talk about blogging conferences and how much people (bloggers) really get out of them is really make me, well jealous. I would love to attend but due to living regionally they take a lot of time and resources (read money) to attend. 

The next big conference coming up is the Nuffnang Blogopolis conference on June 30 in Sydney. For me to go it would mean 4 plane rides and probably two nights away from home. But I really really want to go (cue stamping like a child...).

So I really really need some sponsors! 

So what would I give my sponsors in exchange for helping me get to Blogopolis? 

Well I offer you this:
  •  3 months blog advertising (125x125 badge) which will be prominent at the top of my side bar
  •  Exposure through my social media channels in the lead up to the event and the following days after.
  • Blog post introducing you as a sponsor to my readers.
  • Your logo at the bottom of every blog post up until the conference and in my post conference post. 
 And how much will this cost you ask?  Well, how does $150 sound? It sounds like a great deal to me.

I have 6 of these sponsorship packs available and I would love to hear from you. 

So if you think this sounds like something your brand or business would be interested in please email me. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. 



  1. I'd be happy to find out how to get items for reviews and giveaways! haha. Good luck Amy, my fingers are crossed for you.

    1. Thanks Kell!

      Have you checked out the Aussie PR Friendly Blog Directory? You can find it here:

      When I listed my blog there I did see an increase in emails form PR companies.


  2. Good luck Amy! Would love to meet you in Sydney :)

  3. I think that is an absolute bargain. I hope you get then lining up at your door hun xx
