Wednesday 4 April 2012

A Whole Lotta Fun!

We are almost through our first week of school holidays here in QLD and Caden declared early on the we had to do fun stuff every single day. Enter in Lotta Magazine and we were certain to do something fun every single day!

I was sent two copies of Lotta magazine to review late last week and Caden set about flipping through the pages to find out what we would be doing for the next two weeks.
This one Mum...

If you haven't hear about Lotta Magazine yet. It is for 5-10 year old kids and is full of school holiday activities. It is Australia's first completely ad-free kids magazine and will be released four times a year for the school holidays. Each issue is built around a theme. The launch issue was stories. The current issue, for the Easter holidays, is The Travel Issue.

We received both. And here are few things out of them that Caden has told me we have to do.

On the top of the list was some cardboard cubby houses, but I am still trying to track down some boxes!

Then he would like to make a stackable city!
But there are tonnes of ideas in this wonderful little magazine and we will certainly be doing a majority of them.

If you would like to check out more info on Lotta Magazine you can find them at the following places:

And guess what? If you are stumped for ideas these holidays you could enter to win a copy of each of the issues featured in this post. I also have a runners up prize of your choice of one of the issues (Stories or Travel) To enter simply complete the rafflecopter widget below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received the two copies featured in this post for the purpose of review. No money was offered, nor received for this post. All opinions are my own. 


  1. Chaos then boredom and mum , instead are we there yet, its, when do we go back to school haha.

  2. kids go to vacation care two days a week! they need the routine, and I vslue my sanity! we have an adventure one day, and stay at home days for the other two. at least, that's the plan, so far we'reon track.

  3. Alot of mess and alot of fun so i guess it all evens out this holidays im hoping for a little rest also :0)

  4. We don't usually plan anything but always end up doing something. We run the no-plan plan.

  5. A different request for this school holidays the kids want to make chocolate fondue- yummo! There will also be lots of art and craft, water play and trips to the gardens and parks. russellcathryn at

  6. Perfect for the school holidays! We're planning some indoor "camping" over easter with a fire and roasted chestnuts :0)

  7. Usually a trip to the beach, library and park. Lots of drawing and painting, bike riding and playing outside. Thank you MahliMoo and Lotta Magazine.

  8. They look like they'd have some great inspiration for the kids!

  9. Baking delicious goodies and fun family board games.
    This book looks like fun!

  10. Lots of reading, crafts, outside play and cooking. It's lovely spending the time together.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. We enjoy going to the local beach, parks, have picnics and doing craft. This mag looks great and very practical. My boys love craft & we're always looking for new ideas.

  13. one week down, another to go. There has been some planning, like movies and such and otherwise we are going with the flow, particularly as Uni study has to be planned in there somewhere too!

  14. we explore new parks, local library, play dates with friends,picnics with friends. We also do craft activities but nothing is close to the wonderful ideas shown in the Lotta magazine.

  15. I try to make each day interesting; some of the things we do are: visit the local library and join in their holiday crafts, do crafts at home, catch up with friends, have a picnic at the park, or do baking. This sounds like a great magazine!

  16. We have 7 kids at home, so simply put- lots! The kids normally go from activity to activity- they make cubbies, create little make believe games, go on the computer, draw, playdough, lego etc. We are also going away to a holiday house for a week this holidays so lots of outings, swimming and beach visits on the agenda :)

  17. We love the lack of routine during holidays. Sleep ins. Pajama days. Dress ups. Meeting dad for lunch on the lawn of his offices. Fun!

  18. We have sleep-overs at Grandma's house, play board games and electronic games at home, go to the cinema, go out for 'treat' lunches, and wear our pyjamas until lunchtime. Routine goes down the drain and the kids love it!

  19. Lots of cubby houses, lego building, going out on the train and discovering new places.

  20. Its nice not to have routine during School Holidays so we don't get up to too much, We have recently joined our local Taronga Western Plains Zoo so we plan to have picnics out there :-)
