Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Sweet Dreams

The kids are having a bit of a Pajama shortage at the moment. So on Monday I made Caden a pair of Pj pants.

To say he was excited about them would be an understatement...

Mahli couldn't decide if she wanted pants or a nightie, she finally settled on nightie and I whipped it up yesterday after she picked which fabric she wanted. That was a hard task in itself as she had originally wanted some strawberry fabric that she has seen in my stash, pity it was only a fat quarter...

So that means that today I should probably make Ethan some PJ's. He has only been wearing a nappy to bed of late as it has just been so hot here and the poor little guy seems to feel the heat a lot more than we do. But it looks likes it might be cooler enough for him to be wearing long pants like his brother who has insisted on sleeping in long pants for the last month while we are all sweating all night.

What are you up to today?

I am linking up over here today.

Edit: The pattern for both the pants and the nightie came from his book: Making Children's Clothes. It's my absolute favourite book!


  1. Great jammies! I love the fabrics you've picked - esp the PJ pants combo ... I think I'm coming down with a case of fabric envy. ;-)

  2. Lovely PJ's and nightie! Love the fabrics.

  3. There will be some sweet sleeping going on at your place. The travel fabric is fab! It's a fab time of year to be stash busting, isn't it? :)

  4. These are wonderful!! I love the contrasting cuff on the pants.

  5. I'd be excited about them too, great fabric combination!

  6. Gorgeous pjs! My girls love wearing nighties also. I can't seem to find any that I like in the shops, so my mum has made them some.

  7. Love your little models enthusiasm - super cute! And I love the fabric for your son's pants..I'm sure I have some of that in my stash somewhere too.

  8. Loving the poses on your models! haha
    Your pj's with the contrast cuffs are adorable, you did a great job with the fabric combo!

  9. Great jammies, i really love the fabric's you have used :)

  10. I love them! I especially like the pants fabric, very cool! I've got pjs on my to-do list too.

  11. I love, love, love that nighty! Thanks for sharing at A Pinteresting Party this week.

  12. we are always having a pj shortage here as well.. not sure why.. I love the nightie.. might make one of them for Miss M she would love it!
