Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Mr Sleepy head, he couldn't even finish his dinner!

I actually got to do some sewing!!
I am linking up with Trish for Wordless Wednesday


  1. My eldest son often falls asleep at the table, and in other odd places at the end of a busy day! Wish I could :)

  2. haha my boys used to do this.
    So cute Amy.
    Happy WW.
    Thanks for your comment and linking up.

  3. Loving your pic. So cute.
    Glad you got some sewing done. :)

  4. What I want to know is what are you sewing???? Gorgeous colours :-)

  5. Love the bunting fabric (is that what you said you were making?) and LOVE when babies fall asleep mid-activity...so,so sweet!

  6. That doesn't look comfortable but anything for a couple of moments peace :)

  7. Oh adorable... sometimes you just gotta have a sleep!!! How long did he sleep for in that position????

    Love the material as well, gorgeous prints!!

  8. Oh I was going through old photos and found the funniest shots of my kids sleeping in the strangest poses/places it's so cute! Love your bunting, can't wait to see it finished, that's my next project for the kids rooms now we've moved into an old house that needs a bit of cuteness added :)

  9. is that a bunting? love the fabric.. next on my sewing list is a bunting for Miss Ms room!

  10. Yay!!!! That you got to do some sewing!!! I have to sneak in sewing where ever I can too!
    What ever potion you're giving your bubba to fall asleep like that, you have to send me some!!! Wish Hannah would do that! hehe

  11. oh too cute - I love it when they are that exhausted they cannot stay awake. ;) xx
