McFatty Monday is back after a few weeks absence due to the holidays and then me forgetting what day it was, oops!
Anyway, I have failed at most of the goals I set myself before Christmas. I haven't been getting to bed before 10pm AT. ALL. My water intake has been pretty good, but not 2 liters every single day. And well, my exercise has only been about 2-3 times a week.
I could throw the usual excuses at you, but really the only reason I haven't been succeeding at them is because I haven't been giving them priority. This week I have scheduled my week down to the last second. That may sound like overkill to some, but I work better and reach goals faster if my tasks are recorded individually for me to see at a glance.
Can you see the 8 lines in the 2nd bottom box on every day? That is for me to mark off my water intake That probably does seem like overkill, but we will see how I go. I have recorded when, how much and what kind of exercise I will be doing on every day. Our meals are all recorded for the week so there is no second guessing.
Hopefully my planning will pay off. I will certainly let you know next week.
Well anyhow I better wrap this up. We are heading to 1770 today for a day trip and I have a car to pack.
If you have been blogging about healthy living or weight loss I would love it if you linked up below. The linky will be open all week. There are no rules, but it would make me smile if you linked to this post.
Fantastic :) You do have to allocate the time to do the stuff you wnat to do, so kudos to you for doing that. I try and aim for 2 L of water a day and just know when I've finished both bottles I lug around with me, that I've done 1 helathish thing for me. x